The Little Brick City Home {Christmas Tour}

I am so excited to introduce the first of the sisters’ Christmas home tours! My heart was thumping with excitement as I pulled in the lovely images Ervina sent over. You’ll soon see why. :)

First off, click over here to have a bit of lovely Christmas music as you scroll through the pictures. This is her favorite holiday station. [Phil Coulter Holiday on Pandora if the link doesn’t work]

[As I said in the previous post, the intention of these Sister Christmas Posts are not to make you feel like you must do one more thing in order to have the perfect Christmas. But rather to show how you really can create a beautiful atmosphere with simple beauty. ]

Ervina is the third of four sisters, and was married to her Sir in June of last year.
[You can see their wedding here, and I love how their home reflects so much the beautiful simplicity that was present in their wedding.]

She and Kenny bought a tall house in the city and have worked hard to transform it into a lovely haven. It’s one of my favorite spots to visit whenever I return home, and I wish visits there could happen more often!

Here is Ervina…


Growing up, the attic at my mom’s house was always filled with storage boxes of Christmas decorations, and each year in the beginning of December I loved to help decorate the house.


// master bedroom //


Christmas bedroom with fresh greenery


Christmas wooden headboard


There were colored ornaments and nativity sets and little porcelain villages, but my favorite part was grabbing big garbage bags and a pair of Cutco clippers and heading outside to the trees grandpa planted on our property thirty years ago. My mom and sisters and I would collect huge amounts of evergreen and pine, and the wonderful smelling outdoors would come inside for the winter.


// living room //



Christmas living room



simple and elegant Christmas living room

Living Room Bookshelf at Christmas


By the time Christmas was over and January rolled around, we’d reluctantly put everything back in storage and clean up the shedding greens. There was always a mess, but it was always worth it.


// Dining Room and Piano //


Dining Room with fresh greenery

Christmas Dining Room


Christmas piano

Christmas piano and banister


Fast forward a few years and I’m married in my own little brick home in the city. I don’t have a lot of decorations in storage. What little I’ve collected so far is a result of thrift stores, Goodwill, and occasionally the Target clearance section.


// the city kitchen //


Christmas kitchen in the city





Kitchen table with Christmas greens


I like touches of silver and gold, but still my favorites are the same: the outdoors come inside. My mom is kind enough to let me come home with garbage bags and strip her trees, my sweet husband helps me decorate our twenty dollar tree and form little wreaths made out of leftover wedding supplies, I pull out milk glass and clear bottles and white teapots to stuff with greens, Costco provides real spruce garlands, and we’re ready for Christmas. It’s simple but timeless and brings a little breath of fresh country air to our city home.




I am so thrilled Ervina shared her darling home with me, and you! Thank you. ♥
I’m all inspired to place more greenery around my home! That is just so lovely.


And now it’s your turn to tell her how much you enjoyed it, and what your favorite part is! :)


Ervina & Clarita

A Little Thanks~living…

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I found this quote today, and loved it!
Too often this time of year can be a busy flurry of decor & planning & food preparation,
which is all fine and good and even necessary;
but if not accompanied by a HEART that is grateful and at rest,
what true good is all that preparation?


true thanksgiving


The truest Thanksgiving is not just those words we speak,
but the life we live.
And not just in November,
but the other 335 days of the year.

If there’s one character trait I want to be strong in my children,
I want it to be gratefulness.

I want them to live with an awareness of what God, and other people, have given them.
I do not want them to live with a sense of entitlement, that people owe them something,
but rather, a continual focus on the blessings, rather than the distresses, of life.

How much of this is a training process of parent to child,
and how much of it is a prayer from parent to God,
I’m not certain.
Because I’m in the training right with them!

But, with all my heart, I do want to live a life of gratitude.




On Sunday I stayed home from church with the oldest (due to her tonsillectomy) and the youngest (due to a flu bug). Gone are the days when staying home is a relaxing experience! Two children [one permanently attached to my hip] made for a lot of together time for all of us, and not any quiet time for me. [i.e. Still learning flexibility: the key to Parenting 101!! :) ]

So we decided to throw a little thanksgiving party for the other two when they returned for lunch. We decorated the table, we cooked good food, and it was a great diversion had by all.

With big extended family activities on all holidays, we don’t normally have our own little holiday, so that’s kind of what we did here. A relaxed feel, & just being together was the desire, and it was accomplished.

We set the table in white, brown, & gold…

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We made name tags on gold leaves….

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We  used kraft paper [found in the packaging section at Walmart],
and copied last year’s Thanksgiving idea… but instead of individual placemats,
we made long runners that reached the whole lenth of the table,
and wrote, “I am thankful for…” at each place setting.

This would also be SO pretty in white or gold lettering.
I was sad I didn’t have that idea until it was all over. :)

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To make it kid-friendly, we put colored pencils in jelly jars, for a bit of fun at the table.

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We tried three slightly different centerpieces…

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An Italian meal was served instead of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey….

Grilled Caesar Salad…

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Ravioli with Grilled Chicken & Cream Sauce…


It was a fun little time, and two little girls particularly enjoyed it!
One poor little boy, however, particularly did not.
Lest the pictures look all glamorous & perfect,
here’s a little touch of reality. :)

A little thanksgiving 163

strong constraints of gratitude

If you are hosting or helping to host a Thanksgiving celebration,
THIS post by my friend Elizabeth Marie has excellent organization tips & ideas!
I call her my “hero mom.” :) xo Liz!

Happy Thanks-LIVING!


A Cottage Christmas

Merry Christmas!

It’s the week before Christmas!
How did this happen, time going so fast?
A year ago we were just leaving Colorado,
seven months ago our first son was born;
this year ~ WHERE has it gone?
Is it having three children that makes time nearly a blur?

I don’t like a life that feels busy.
I like it full, in a positive sense of the word, but not busy.
I like time to sit, to enjoy, to rest, to refresh, to create.
Lately it seems that we’ve been on a race against time,
and that I do not like.

Today, however, we slowed.
Unfortunately, it was the two little ladies of the cottage who awoke with fevers.
Too bad it was that which made us slow, but slow we did.
Sitting on the sofa reading books, watching Little House movies.
Drinking tea and hot chocolate.
Cuddling precious little children, because I can.

I love to watch life through the eyes of my children.
And Christmas ~ that added sparkle in their eyes,
the laugh that easily bubbles from their mouths,
the innocence, the wonder, the enjoyment of living.
From the a.m.a.z.i.n.g. gingerbread house party my neighbor Lauren did for a bunch of kids,
to digging in the depths of boxes hauled from the attic,
to singing songs
to the excitement of the gifts…
There is that precious innocence,
that feeling that all is right with the world.
It’s how it should be.

[mailing cards is a family affair. ♥]

I love to see it, to be reminded of the innocence of children.
Because this year, more than ever before, I’m aware of how all is not right with the world.
There is so much hurt, so much pain, so much brokenness.

There is my friend Ruth, who is spending Christmas with Jesus for real this year, and every day hereafter.
For her, there is absolutely nothing better. But for her family, her husband, her children, even as friends, it’s a loss so deep.
To walk life without her? How do we do it?

There is the school shooting last week, the loss of so many innocent lives, so brutal.
And they were only children, still only babies.
I cry when I think of it, I cry reading the news.
Because I have a kindergartner. How absolutely unbearable to lose a child in such a way.

And even in my own little world, there is the reality of pain, of woundedness,
of how imperfect life is, how imperfect I am.

I still love to look at Christmas through the eyes of my children ~
remembering the magical feel of Christmas.

[the most beautiful gingerbread party ever, given by Lauren!]

[zoe and olivia’s houses]


But this year? Maybe I’m realizing more than ever WHY there needed to be a Christmas.
I see more of the world how it really is.
Jesus came not because of a magical feeling,
not because this was an innocent world,
not because there was no hurt or pain.

He came because there was pain,
because there needed to be healing,
because there needed to be forgiveness of sins.
He came because His Redemption was desperately needed in this world.
There was simply no other answer, but a Savior.

So maybe I’m not feeling the “magical Christmas” of a starry-eyed child.
But I do have a heart filled with gratitude to Jesus.
That He didn’t leave us alone in depravity, in pain, in sin.
But He came to rescue us, to help us, to enable us to truly live.
What a Jesus!

I read a quote soon before my friend died that I’ve thought of often since then.
It’s not just about how life feels: it’s about the bigger reality.

Any alleged Christianity which fails to express itself in gaity,
at some point, is clearly spurious.
The Christian is joyful not because he is blind to the injustice and suffering,
but because he is convinced that these, in the light of Divine Sovereignty,
are never ultimate.
Though he can be sad, and is often perplexed, he is never really worried.
The well-known humor of a Christian is not a way of denying the tears,
but rather a way of affirming something which is deeper than the tears.”
[Elton Trueblood]


And I am strengthened in my God, even in the midst of a wounded world.
This is not the end of the story!


We’ve brought a little of the outdoors inside again this year.
I have a box or two that I bring down from the attic when I want to decorate,
a few ornaments, bows, the nativity set.
But it’s mostly greenery that I love to put around.
It smells just divine, and it makes the house so cozy.
If it weren’t that the pine and cedar start shedding needles by January I’d never want to take them down!

So, if you like, welcome to the Cottage at Christmas.
It’s simple, it’s what we like.

The pictures are just kinda snapshot quality, I guess.
I was having terrible troubles with my lighting and camera combination! :)

The Kitchen.

pinecones with snow spray = i have snow in south georgia!! :)

twine-wrapped bottles = nothing new.
modge-podge doily bottle = inspiration hit :)

The Front Door and Dining Room.

The Restroom.

The Girls Room.

The Music Room.

The Master Bath.

The Master Bedroom.

The Living Room.

 This room is not coming together for me like I would wish.
Red drapes or white ones?
White slip covers or the natural sofas?
Color pillows or neutral?

Oh well.
Today I sit and enjoy it as it is. :)


I needed wanted a big chalkboard for the living room, but didn’t have one, didn’t want to buy one.
A trip out to Husband’s shed, several coats of paint on very rough plywood and voila!

And I must be real.
Those pictures of everything in place? That’s true.
It does look like that sometimes.

And at the very same moment, we can have spots like this:

or this.

It’s real life! :)

To all of you who take the time to stop by this little corner of blogland ~
thank you for reading and your encouragement through this past year!
I have been blessed so many times by you!

Merry Christmas!

Of Christmas Past

This week marks two weeks that we’ve been back in the south and in our own little house.
Back to the balmy 70′ days, although I don’t expect this to last all winter.
I’m just thankful for all the cold and snow we had in Colorado,
so now I don’t mind the warmth this time of year. As much. :)

It’s quiet time in the household.
One down for a nap, another quite content with paper, scissors, and glue stick.
And I quite content with a few cookies that a friend brought over yesterday…
If she knew how quickly we devoured that plate, well, I’d be embarassed. :)

We’ve had to find a new normal for our little family,
schedules and time change and even just being together most of the time.

In Colorado I was in class every morning, and now I find my patience stretched!
For three months we were only together half a day, and now we re-learn what is expected of each other.
Granted, in the past four weeks since leaving the west, it’s not been a normal schedule at all.
Much traveling and time with family and friends, and now getting resettled.

It’s taking the kids and me a bit of time to find a rhythm with each other again,
and honestly, there is some needed training that has been going on with the kids
as well as repentance and apologies from me.

I often think of the quote by Ann Voskamp,
I don’t remember whether it’s in her book or if I just read it on her blog one day…
The parent must always self-parent first,
self-preach before child-teach, because who can bring peace unless they’ve held their own peace?”

It’s so very true.
Unless my heart is first at rest with my God and with the today He’s given me,
I will never be able to welcome peace in my children or my home.
Peace is not brought by forceful words of, “Guys, play nice with each other!!!!!”
or various other strategies. It’s brought only by the Spirit of the Lord allowed to indwell.

And as a dear friend reminded me once,
sometimes that means falling to my knees at the kitchen sink and pleading for His Sweet Grace,
first of all to be lived out in me and then that I can share it with my children.

Even when it feels like I don’t have time to stop,
like there are things to deal with now and I have to keep moving,
nothing is more important than allowing the Sweet Spirit of Jesus
to be present and to be residing and in control.

It’s not that I have some little hellions on my hands, not at all. :)
But it’s just that I desire our home to be one of rest and peace,
not one of chaos and perpetual cat-fights.
And I do believe that with Jesus, that is possible. It just starts with me, not with my kids…

[of christmas past]

[the whole dear family]

Barkman Newsletter Picture 2011

[the three dating couples, two of which are engaged!]

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[fun family times]


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[family rule for christmas eve and day]

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[brown paper packages tied up with string, and other pretty presents]

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[the tree, and homemade ornaments]

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[christmas eve candlelight dinner]
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Enjoy your today! And upcoming weekend!
~ clarita