“This just isn’t what I thought motherhood would be like!!!”
I wailed this to myself as I cleaned up the overflowing-toilet water that had run over, not just in the bathroom, but down the vent into the coat closet below it, soaking our entire family’s winter coats with uber-gross toilet water. It was a rude awakening to my early morning, as I was snuggling with my heaven-scented newborn in bed, hearing my little kids frantically calling that the toilet was overflowing. My 2-week old baby began screaming to be fed, but the other three kids and I were doing all we could to prevent the water from going into the living room and ruining the rug. Water was everywhere, if it could be called water. My husband was already at work, and it was “one of those days” on steroids.
As a teenager, I had high ideals of what my life was going to be like. Not marrying until I was 30 was one of them, because I was going to spend my life for the Gospel, international travel and mission, pursue education, and then eventually get married after I had done all the things.
And then God smiled and gently changed my plans….
Read the full article at Raising Generations Today, where I’m honored to be a guest writer this week.
Great article! In all the hustle and bustle of child-rearing, it’s so important to realize God’s presence and love. Thanks for that reminder!
Very well written! I have found myself having those same questions and realizing what an amazing responsibility to share Jesus with my children.