Little Baby Goodness


It’s been a whirlwind past two/three weeks.
A lovely whirlwind, a busy whirlwind, when you’ve got three kids including a 4-week-old baby.
But when a sister is getting married, and a husband’s brother tying the knot a week later,
we wouldn’t miss it for the world!

We’ve been home about 2 days now, trying to make order from the unpacking chaos.
Trying to figure out schedules again.
Trying to be a mom of 3 on my own during the day
(my mom spoiled me when I was there for 2.5 weeks).
Whew, it’s busy.

We took time to continue K-4 the past two days.
Obviously, the books haven’t been finished from the school year.
Zoe read her first word all alone today.
I, ecstatic, shrieked and squealed and hugged her tight like any good mom would.
She promptly burst into tears (seriously, tears were rolling) and said she doesn’t want me to do all that.
So, the next words I gave her a high-five and that worked perfectly.
Is she even serious? I’m quite puzzled. Is she really a girl???

I have pictures that need to be downloaded from camera to computer.
I’m so excited about Ervina’s (my sister) wedding pictures.
Her wedding makes me smile with happiness every time I think of it.
I can’t wait to share. :)

But I have some pictures already loaded and edited from Hudson’s two-week pictures.
I was a little nervous about trying to take his pictures.
All I’ve ever done is girls, and that’s been girly-girl pretty much every time.
I for sure didn’t want to horrify his father and do something taboo
(his father is paranoid that Hudson might be a pansy because of two sisters. and mom).

These are already a month old (HOW can a month go by so quickly)
so he’s already looking older and more filled out, but these are his newborn shots.
Probably birth announcement pictures, if we send them out.
(we forgot with Olivia, how awful).

I saw an idea somewhere for a “nest” sort of picture, and tried to do something with that,
since it fit my whole Nesting syndrome and all. :)
The women who see it say, “Oh, it’s a nest!” and the men all say, “Why is he in a wreath??”
Must be the right-brained, left-brained thing going on.

Nest or wreath. Whatever.

But it cannot be denied that there is a whole lot of Baby Sweetness going on around here.
Coming: overload of cute baby ahead!

This little 10+ pound of sweetness has us melted in a puddle.
I forgot how much I absolutely adore newborns.
This little guy is preciousness itself.

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I {{ love }} yawning babies.

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I also {{ love }} baby hands and feet.

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 hudson - 2 weeks 143-1

Ben had picked up some old wooden coke boxes several years ago.
Those were a little more masculine than some props, I thought.

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[this is a bit too much like a Nativity replica, I think]

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A little old wagon, bought for a dollar at a yard sale years ago.

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Six weeks after his birth, we are more in love with him than ever before.
Whoever knew that having a boy would be SO much fun? SO much fun.
Dressing a boy seems incredibly simple but really fun.
I have some wonderful friends who threw a fabulously beautiful baby shower for the baby
and now Hudson has some great new clothes.
[he had 2 sleepers to his name at birth]

The girls have done so well with having a new baby in the house.
I keep expecting a storm to come, and so far, it’s been sunshine.
Sure, we still have the normal kid stuff, but amazingly it’s not been because of baby.
I’m so thankful to God, because it sure makes my adjustments a lot easier too.
Little Man still likes to eat often during the night, so I’m feeling the exhaustion of 6 weeks with not much sleep.
Hopefully soon he’ll decide to sleep through the night. :)

Little people are waking up from their naps and are hungry.
Is there ever a time when little people are NOT hungry??
I think they must all be having growth spurts around here,
“I’m hungry” is heard scores of times each day.
I thinking of setting [good, healthy, filling, get-it-yourself] snacks on the table at all hours!

Happy Beginning of Summer!

~ clarita



The Waiting Game.

So. Day Six. Not before due date.
After due date.
I should be used to this by now.
Third pregnancy. Third time being overdue.
And it’s only Day Six. Not Day 11 or Day 8.

But goodness, what a mind game!

I think the strong contractions and having two days of being in bed three weeks pre-due date made me hope that perhaps this would be different. But it’s not so.
“You’re a crock pot,” says Ben. One that only functions on warm, I add. There’s no “high” or “low” setting, much less the oven’s “broil” setting. Nope, it’s just warm.

At least I know the most I will go is a week more. Two weeks over is the most that I’m allowed. Whew. :)

Sooo, what does one do to pass the days, to try not to just live in survival mode, but to actually enjoy each day?

Ann Voskamp style, there’s a list. :)
For one, take one day at a time. Don’t look at the week I could still have the babe in incubation.

//due date day: coffee with whip. it’s worth the splurge//
Beach Day, 045

// also due date day: pancakes with blueberry topping. also with whip.
like i said, worth the splurge. :) //

Beach Day, 046

Two. Don’t get excited about contractions, unless they would continue over long periods of time.

// due date day: helping Zoe with K-4 books, while making My Faire Lady orders.
enjoying the chilly day, and the rare chance for a fire in the hearth in April //

Beach Day, 035

Three. Plan fun things. After  the due date. So that you’ll actually look forward to being overdue. :)

// A Day at the Ocean! I wish I could do this daily… :) //

i just love my little two-year old.
how such a little person can have such a personality just trips me out. g
oodness, is she ever fun.
and i love her little grammar misuses, and hope she doesn’t discover ‘he’ and ‘she’ for a long time.
“Him left him book at our house!!”
said with great drama and wide eyes, is quite a typical reaction to something quite small.

and the way she runs with her elbows…
it looks so funny, but oh so adorable. please stay two forever.

and then i remember,
this is also the child that picks scabs in bed and smears blood all over clean sheets…
… that grabs a bowl from up on the counter and splatters milk all over the floor…
… that doesn’t like to ask for help in the bathroom and then smears poo all over bed sheets…
… that sends us on a roller-coaster of emotions, ranging from exasperation to adoration.
umm. maybe you can grow up a liiiiiitle bit. :)

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and sweet zoe… still set on having her “jack” or “rose.”

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i asked a friend if she’d like to go with us, and was it ever a fun day!
my kids had friends to play with, and I had a dear friend to talk to. ♥

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// to document that i indeed did go to the ocean. :)
the day of the due date was cold and windy, so we went the day after. it was absolute perfection! //

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Beach Day, 125

today I spontaneously planned a Picnic at the Park day with a few other moms from church. i’m ready for some lady friends, some out-of-the-house time, and conversations that consist of more than, “You’re STILL pregnant?!!?” :)

Four. Thank God for the kindness and encouragement of friends… So many people have sent me messages and notes and phone calls, some people have made me baked food, a friend from out of state sent me money for take-out!! and seriously, it all feels like a hug straight from God. Thank you, thank you…

// delicious blueberry muffins, made and dropped off by my sweet piano student,
whose lesson I canceled because of being overdue and uncomfortable //

Beach Day, 133

Five. Continue with the Nesting.
Not only will you have the cleanest house on the block,
but it will also
a] help pass the time b] help you not think about how desperately uncomfortable you are.

// new slipcovers for the living room. bought with compliments of My Faire Lady.
uglysofa is where I found them, Pottery Barn brand, in fact, for a price I could afford. //

before & now not so very different, but just a little touch of brightness


the neutral palate is a bit of a challenge… still working on that one!

fun little bike pillow found on clearance at Tar-jay…
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aqua shams found in my linen stash from when we used to have a guest room…
folded over and pinned in the back, they now work as couch pillows. :)

Six.  Remember the wise and beautiful words of a sweet friend:

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Sugar Words. How I need that reminder in these days when it’s so easy to be selfish, when discomfort is a part of every moment. This isn’t about me. This is about letting Jesus live in and through me, even now.
Especially now.

It’s really surprised me how this late-term pregnancy has brought out so much selfishness in me. The energy the kids have, the lack of energy I have, is a combination that is not easy. I find myself wanting them to behave just so I don’t have to deal with discipline, rather than taking the time to care for their dear little hearts. I see how much I care for self right now, rather than focusing outward… God and I are having lots of talks these days. :)
I so look forward to feeling better though, to where a walk with the kids or a trip to the park doesn’t feel overwhelming. To where sitting on a sofa reading books to them doesn’t make me feel like I’ll suffocate from lack of oxygen. :)
There is a reason for the discomfort, I do believe. The scariness of labor? Still there, but I’m so ready for the baby that I don’t care as much about pain levels anymore. :)

// the wedding invitation of a dear sister. ♥
and another invitation of a brother-in-law, a week after. and a lovely sister-in-law’s picture.//

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The last few days I’ve been thinking… with the anticipation of the baby, the expectancy, the waiting, the fervent preparation…
What if the return of the Lord would be anticipated and prepared for this much?

With this little baby coming there is so much thought and preparation. The whole house is being purged and cleaned from top to bottom. Not a single drawer or corner will be left untouched, given enough of time. There are eyes to see DIRT and DUST that never even bothered me before. To be honest, that I never even noticed before. :) Areas to clean that never crossed my mind before. An old toothbrush is my new best cleaning friend, and boy, do we ever go places together. That little crack that collects dirt and grime. It must go.

Before I go to bed each night, the house must be in perfect order. All messes put away, all dishes stacked in the dishwasher or neatly back on shelves but certainly not on counters or in sink, everything neat and tidy. Just in case tonight would be the night.

What if it would be like this on a soul level for me, for all Christians anticipating the return of our Lord? Such purging, such cleanliness of life and heart, no nagging sin left, a purity, a full concentration of things eternal, everything filtered by perpetual readiness –
the Lord’s return may be at any moment, and I want to be ready. Just in case tonight would be the night.

There are so many allegories to be drawn from this. It’s really been so challenging for my soul, and to take my focus off of the waiting at present and onto the eternal perspective on waiting. It’s just really hit me how the process of waiting on a child is really a bigger picture of the longing for the return of our dear Jesus…

So today I pray for the Lord to prepare my heart for HIS return, even more than for the arrival of this much-anticipated child. Because if I am ready for Him, then everything else will be okay. I need Him to purge my heart from it’s selfishness and stubbornness, from the short temper with the girls, from the focus of self and discomfort these days… and I want to be refreshed and restored by HIM, by Jesus Himself.

So, I’m not exactly feeling top-of-the-world today, :) but I want to find Jesus in this day, worship in the waiting. [tried to play this song on my site, but playlist didn’t have it]

It feels silly to even write about going overdue,
because, my word, it’s not that big of a deal!!
But the waiting is where I find myself, and I don’t want to just try to survive it.
I want to thrive in it.
Even as I write that I think, “Oh God, help me!”
because it seems that in the smallest areas it’s easiest to justify selfishness.

And I want to find room for gratefulness too. One older lady told me that back in the day she went THREE WEEKS late. Oh goodness, I’m so glad I’m not allowed to go that long! :)
And in whatever wait you find yourself, may you find Jesus too…

♥ ~clarita



A strange phenomenon has hit me the past few weeks.


This isn’t the chicken-on-the-egg kind of nesting.
Oh no. This is the song-bird-flitting-around-nest-building-a-home.
Think robin, bluebird, chickadee.

One would think that perhaps nesting would be limited to the birds.
But perhaps the instinct is given to far more mothers preparing to give birth?

It’s the preparation of a Nest for a wee little one who doesn’t care for the world
how clean the house is, or if he has a drawer or a box or a cradle to sleep in.
The little one has no idea if the house was newly-housecleaned,
or if it has been years since a good cleaning.

However, the mama knows, and she wants her Nest ready and perfect for the precious little arrival. You’d think a good weekly cleaning would suffice.

But oh no.
This Nesting  is of a different sort.
Very strange things happen within the mother.
There are outrageous bursts of energy,
even as she carries a basketball-size tummy everywhere she goes.
Her eyes take on new lenses, and see things that need to be cleaned that she never even noticed before,
She climbs atop of piano and balances on tall headbands,
trying to reach that last little inch of window trim.
She tries to step down safely, and most times does,
but sometimes the bench falls out from under her.
But she’s okay. She’s nesting.

She uses toothbrushes and bleach and cleans dirty corners that were never there before.
She could write a tutorial on how to make rabbits from dust bunnies
found underneath the master bed on the hardwood floor.
She hands rags and cleaning supplies to the other a-bit-bigger-birdies in the home
and they crawl under beds and in places where basketball-belly-mother cannot go,
and they think nesting is fun too.
It’s a very curious phenomenon.

She could write articles about deep cleaning and how to sanitize every inch of your home
and not miss a single dirty corner as she’s Nesting.
But she knows that within a month of the arrival of Wee Birdie
she would look back at the article and laugh,
because this is most definitely not normal, and quite clearly a perk of pregnancy.
And she enjoys the season of nesting and house-sanitizing because it is a season,
and feels quite sorry for those folks who live with these cleaning-lenses all the time.

And the clock ticks, and this nesting is a race against time.
But she takes time for naps if she’s tired, and trips to the park with the other little birdies.
And crosses things on her list of to-do’s for the Nest.
And prays to live these last days with Grace.
Not tenseness,
not being grouchy about being uncomfortable,
not being irritable if she goes overdue,
as she has with the other two birdies.
But with Sweet Grace.

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[spring mantel inspired by The Lettered Cottage]

For real, this Nesting thing is amazing even to me. How I can be at the very end and have the bodily shape I do and feel the uncontrollable urge to purge and clean and organize and sanitize…

I must look quite large at this point, and feel very conspicuous going out in public, even to Walmart. This was confirmed the other day when I was in [ha, the cleaning aisle of] Walmart, and a complete stranger [older male] passed me and said, “Hey! Didn’t anyone tell you not to swallow that watermelon seed? Ha ha ha!” Wow, Sir. Someone sure missed the tact end of things in your child-training. I smiled and nodded politely. He thought it was a great joke. It only confirmed my feeling that I should not be out in public.

Zoe is wild with excitement about a new little baby. Giving her the gift of siblings is ever so special to me. I’m so grateful to God for giving us that gift! She’s constantly saying, “I’m so excited about our baby coming I just can’t wait!!!”

[my new screen door off the kitchen, bought with
money saved from My Faire Lady. love love ♥]

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[Ballard Design Company, I love your style. And your coupon/discount email.]

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Ben and I were talking baby names the other night. I had ideas picked out last September already, but apparently we haven’t discussed as much as I thought. Two weeks before baby is due Ben says, “I remember the boy name we’re talking about, but, what’s the girl name?” Um, Husband! Am I really lacking in communication that badly?

Zoe has her own ideas of baby names. Very excitedly one day, “I know what we can name our baby!! If it’s a boy we can call him ‘Jack’ like ‘Jack and Jill went up the hill’! And if it’s a girl we can call her ‘Rose’ because no one else would think of that name!”

So it’s been baby Jack and baby Rose ever since then. I think Jack is really cute actually. :)

[front porch in lovely spring time]

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[confederate jasmine in all the sweet blooming glory]
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And it’s really amazing to me, but somehow my physical appearance and baby-belly is so lovely to Zoe. “We should always tell pregnant mommies that they’re sooo beautiful!” she said once, and she compliments often on how pretty she thinks I am. I asked Ben if he put her up to that :) and he said no. I was surprised, and her compliments mean all the more.
Olivia, on the other hand, says things as they really are: “You have a weally big belly, Mommy!!” :)

The excitement of meeting our new little one is sky-high.
The other two children it was just Ben and I that were excited.
This time it’s Ben and me plus two very excited sisters!
The suspense of not knowing the gender only adds to the excitement.
Zoe is declaring she wants eight children of her own, and that she wants five brothers and five sisters. :)

I actually get butterflies thinking about meeting this precious little baby, and finding out what it is!

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice? A trio of little girlie sweetness? Yes, please!

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Or Snakes & Snails & Puppy-Dog Tails? A little man in the house? Yes, please!

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Either one would not be a disappointment. God knows the perfect family arrangement for us.
It’s not like any other family in the world ~ it’s unique to us. And we can’t wait to find out!
It’s FOUR DAYS until my due date. Tuesday, April 24th.
Which, so beautifully, is the very day that Ben and I started dating, in 2004! No, we didn’t plan this. :)

But my record is to go late, soooo I’m planning a beach day in celebration of my due date. :) Just to make things enjoyable and not focus on the date itself. My theory is, with a record of 11 days late and 8 days late respectively, that if I do enjoyable things before and after my due date, I don’t notice the discomfort of late-term pregnancy as keenly. And it makes me look forward to the days ahead, rather than dread them. However, I do hope very much I don’t go the full two weeks overdue that my midwives allow…
But Sweet Baby Love, if you do decide to come early, or on time, or late, know that we are so ready for you, and so excited to meet you.
And there is a sweet little antique cradle waiting for you right beside our bed…

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…with dear little organic bedding from Pottery Barn, found on clearance for a song…

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…where you can be rocked by eager little sisters…

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…and where you’ll sleep, when you’re not being held and cuddled and kissed upon…
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Dear Lovie, you are already so loved.

~ clarita

Guest Post by the Sisters

Okay, so I am really really excited about this post.
Probably more excited than I’ve ever been about a post on my blog.
Probably because I didn’t write it. :)

It’s not every day that two lovely ladies call you up and ask to do a guest post on your blog.
Sure made me feel special that they thought my blog was cool enough.
Or maybe they thought it needed some help?? :)

I’m thrilled to introduce you to…
… my first guest post by two of my sisters!


Modest is Hottest….

Or… New Ideas for the Practical Woman

IMG_2809 Radio
Together, I, Claudia, with my sister, Ervina Barkman-soon-to-be-Yoder, have combined our love for photography, our fascination with unique clothing combinations, and a deep gratitude for our sisterhood, to bring you the highly anticipated and most delightful post.
Of course, I had to take this opportunity to use the cheesy and bestest title ever. Hence… The title.

It was June 8. 2011. And We Committed.
On a plane enroute to Bangkok, Thailand, Ervina and I, made a most momentous decision… to cut off all communication with the Shopping-for-super-cute-and-fashionable-clothes-World.
Seeing as how I am a five year thrift-shop veteran, and Ervina a 10 year H&M veteran, this decision was not made lightly.
However, I convinced her that this was a pivotal decision for our lives, and so we decided on a One Year Clothing Fast. YAY!!

However, It only took a few months before Ervina realized I had pulled a fast one on her. “I’m sorry, But a wedding dress….” I regretfully told her, “ ….is not even an option.”
Of course, she found plan B, and planned her wedding for June 8, 2012, claiming that her dress was on a payment plan.

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Ok. Ok. I’m Lying. It was I, Claudia, who Heroically and quite alone(elly) committed to the 1-year clothing fasting plan. With the exception of:
A. Using Gift Cards (Not gonna lie. I thought about buying myself gift cards, so I had to add on:) …that have been given to me as gifts (Not gonna lie. Again, I thought about buying myself gift cards as gifts, so I had to add on:) FROM FRIENDS (Not gonna lie. I have pondered the question, “Am I my own Friend?”).
B. Clothing bought as a gift for Dear BoyFriend.
C. Maid of Honor dress for June, Bridesmaid dress for March.
D. 12 DIY projects

Since June 8, I have been having quite the fun wearing the same articles of clothing in as many different ways as is possibly possible. I have especially enjoyed bringing periodic heart attacks to Mother as I come downstairs in another t-shirt hacked into a vest or an old sweater made into a cardigan. Many thanks to Ervina, who has gone along with my swell inventions.
So. Today, we bring you Mother’s latest heart attack, in the form of a Scarf.

In Ervina’s Words: It all started with one of those decisions to stop shopping for clothes and begin exploring new ways to wear what’s in our closet. Naturally, you can mix and match and layer in lovely ways but our most recent [and fun] discovery was finding out how versatile a scarf can be. First of all, make sure it’s one that’s fairly large and either rectangular or square in size (triangular could become a bit scandalous). When worn as a skirt or tucked-in top, secure with a dramatic belt.

The Church Service


The Bridal Shower


It’s simple to create these outfits, really. Just brush up on your kindergarden shoelace knot and you just might be good to go. And If that doesn’t work, just pull out your HDDP (Handy Dandy Diaper Pin) for some added security. 

For the Scarf: Wrap once, twice, or thrice around neck. 

For the Skirt: Simply wrap the scarf completely around your body. Making sure that it is adjusted so that the bottom layers are even all around. Tie the two ends tightly together and tuck securely underneath a rad hipster belt. (If in a pickle. Resort to the HDDP for help) This can also be worn as a high-wasted skirt. 

For the Shirt:
Wrap the scarf evenly around the upper body, tying or HDDP-ing securely. This outfit can be completed by tucking in the scarf, wearing a big buckle belt, and finishing it off with a cardigan.

Even if none of these are exactly your idea of style, perhaps they’ll inspire you to reevaluate your wardrobe and have fun experimenting with unusual combinations of accessories — and save a few pennies while you’re at it.


[ brought to you by the sisters ]




I loved this. I think because I learned so much from it. They are some of the most creative, unique but lovely dressers I know. I call them my fashion consultants. :)

When they told me their ideas, I was thinking, “A scarf as a skirt? What??”
But I sure wanted to see it. :) I think it’s fabulous.
And with two kids tugging at my skirts, I will most certainly be using the HDDP. :)

And I didn’t even realize until I read this that Claudia was on a one-year clothing fast. She definitely doesn’t take a martyr’s stance on it, but makes it a fun challenge.

So let them know how much you enjoyed this and maybe we can convince them to come back for re-runs. :)


p.s. i’m still hoping for emails/pictures/messages with organizing tips from you all! or else there will be no second edition to the Second Edition. :)


A Day in January

It’s quiet time at the Cottage.

However, the two year old is still singing loudly at the top of her lungs,
and talking to her bunnies in the bedroom.

She’s the one that sings all day, singing a phrase from one song,
stopping to play with her baby doll, then jumping in to a whole new line in a brand new song seconds later.

Yesterday her lisping song of the day went like this,
“If you’re happy and you know it, then your WIFE will surely show it…”
I laughed then, and I laughed all day whenever I thought of it.

[during a peanut butter & honey lunch] a bonding sister moment
My Faire Lady 046

My Faire Lady 044

The four year old is still trying to figure out which books to look at
and what to draw for her hour of quietness, humming in the book corner to herself.
I hear a sleepy yawn, which I’m sure she was trying to hide from me.
Quiet time is relative, I guess. :)

It’s been a good past week. These are such good, fun days, our little family of four.
Today is just one of those days when I’m so happy to be a mom. :)

Even if they made me play “Pirates” in the backyard for an hour this morning.
Goodness, I don’t even know how to imaginary play anymore.

I spent a whole childhood in an imaginary world,
and then I feel put on the spot without notes when Zoe is captain of the pirate ship
and I’m supposed to ad lib for one hour.
Can’t say I was the most passionate pirate.
I’m sure all the neighbors wondered what I was doing in the boat with the kids on dry land. :)

It’s exactly four weeks since we’ve been back, and we’re feeling much more adjusted and in a routine again.
Almost exactly three months before the Baby is due to arrive,
and while that would make some people wildly fly about doing all sorts of cleaning and arranging and nursery-preparing,
I’m doing just the opposite.

Just taking time to sit back and enjoy these last few months with my two little girls.
Maybe soon it’ll be three little girls, we don’t know.

Zoe is sure it’s a boy ~ she thinks Daddy needs another boy in the family and she really wants a brother.
We’re sort of thinking it’s a boy too.
But if it would be a girl, it would be pure delight and happiness.

A little girl is just like a real live dolly, and goodness,
is it ever fun to dress them up and put pretty little outfits on them and wear little flowers in their hair.
Or put them on their heads, if they have no hair. :)

But then I see some of my friends’ little boys, and I think they would be just so fun too.
I see their beautiful little boys and I think, “Awww, I’ll take one of those, please.”
Such cute little men little boys can be, and such leaders they have the potential to be.
Either way, either gender, it will not be a disappointment.

But three months still sounds rather far off, and this pregnancy hasn’t been as easy as the past two.
Round ligament pain, anyone? I don’t remember ever even hearing about it before,
but I went to the doctor this time around thinking something must be seriously wrong with me,
only to find out it’s a common problem in pregnancy and there is really nothing to do about it.

Sometimes it doesn’t bother me that much, and sometimes I almost see stars, it’s that painful.
I normally like to do a lot of walking and exercising when I’m pregnant,
and the round ligament pain makes it not quite impossible, but very difficult.

But I’m not on bed-rest, and it’s a healthy baby ever kicking around inside, and I am grateful.
I just can’t wait to meet this little one in person, and see who’s been so active for months already!

One day, I’ll be “nesting”, I’m sure.
But until then, we’re just enjoying winter.
Even if it is 70 degrees outside and balmy.
Maybe we’ll even hit the ocean this week, we’ll see.

SIMPLE SUPPERS toasted cheese and hot tomato

soup & sandwich night


In the past month, I’ve read these two books to Zoe.
We finished the last one just before quiet time, all 335 pages.
I don’t know if she or I [or her daddy] enjoy them more.

Little House books

I can’t believe she’s old enough to enjoy them, and she wants me to read for hours at a time
until my tongue is dry and my throat is parched.
Sometimes I oblige. Sometimes it’s just a chapter or two.
But it really is so fun and something I have looked forward to for years
~ the cuddling on the sofa together with my children, reading about Mary and Laura and all their adventures.

It blows my mind how pioneers like they were survived.
Months without going to a store?
Laura was four years old before she even saw a store, before she even saw a town?
Ma adjusting to life on the prairie, not going to town for a whole year,
just trusting the little supplies the Pa brought back once or twice? U
nbelieveable. I’m thinking I want to simplify. At least somewhat. :)

MY FAIRE LADY… has kept me busy this month… such a fun little hobby for me.

My Faire Lady 065My Faire Lady 064

My Faire Lady 061My Faire Lady 060
My Faire Lady 059My Faire Lady 051

And, a new addition to my blog – WHAT {SHE} WORE WEDNESDAY, the Zoe’ Edition.

I have a little girl who has suddenly taken a great interest in clothing.
Might I say that she has an eye for the brightest articles in her closet and drawer,
whether that be patterns, prints, or solids.
Coming up with her own outfit brings great delight. To her.
It leaves her mother speechless and trying to stifle laughter.
The Rainbow Attempt:
wsww wsww2

When the Sun Doesn’t Shine, I Will:
My Faire Lady 041

Whoops, It’s My Jammies:
My Faire Lady 023 My Faire Lady 025

Pink’s the Color:
My Faire Lady 015

It’s called, “Find the Skirt”

My Faire Lady 037 My Faire Lady 036

So now it’s way past quiet time,  and no naps have been taken.
Time for dinner prep, and a touch-up of face and house before husband returns home!

Happy Tuesday!

Twenty-Twelve and Little Red Coats


So it’s a new year, and a new start each day.
Last year my goals changed drastically from “to-do’s” to “to-be’s”.
This year it’s a lot the same.
Not projects to complete and activities to check off but more on a personal level,
where it’s between me and God.

Goals are great, I fully agree.
It’s just that for so many years I got hung up on the goals instead of The Goal,
and I don’t want that to be a pattern of my life.

So I still have them in my head, they have not yet reached paper.
Some are personal, some pertain to my marriage and things I want to BE,
some are practical and relational as I interact with my little family,
some have to do with time management…

Several years ago I realized that not nearly all of my New Years Resolutions were happening,
and it was due largely to expecting other people to do things a particular way to enable their completion.
Enter frustration and conflict, because of expectations that should never have been placed on other people.
Expectations they were not even aware I had put upon them!

That is why I’m changing from To-Do to To-Be.
Some people may need to do the opposite, but this is what is right between God and me.

So much of life is like that, isn’t it?
Yes, there are very clear rights and wrongs in some things,
but in others, it has to be a communication between God and you.
What works for someone else won’t work for you.
What God leads you to do in a certain thing isn’t what He tells everyone else to do.
It’s simply an attitude of listening to Jesus Christ, of being content in relationship with Him,
to where I don’t feel threatened by all the other wonderful things other people are doing.

To be sensitive to His Spirit… to the quiet Voice that says,
“Okay, close the computer. Spend some time reading…”
Or “take _________ a meal, she’s exhausted today.”
“Your child needs some time with you, try a walk outside.”
“Write a note and drop it in the mailbox.”
“Take some time to prepare for your husband coming home, some makeup and perfume.”
Or sometimes it may mean, “Write that blog post…”

It can be so many different things, and I don’t know what it’ll mean for me each day.
I won’t live it perfectly, but by His Grace I want to live near Him, in Him, and He in me.
Drawing all security and all sense of belonging from Him, no where else.
I think this is a life-long learning, ,
of learning to walk with Jesus, hearing His voice, and obeying.

I’m excited about Twenty-Twelve!
For us it includes:
~ a sister wedding
~ a baby arriving
~ a second sister wedding
~ a brother-in-law wedding
[as the biggest things]

and other lovely things will be:
– a sister moving to the south because of her marriage [yay!!]
– snuggling and loving on Little Love when he/she arrives
– trips to the ocean
– My Faire Lady fun projects
– lots of extended family time
– the daily wonder of Jesus!

[ Little Red Coats while in Colorado]
[i bought the smallest coat on clearance at the children’s place for around $10 when zoe was just little,
and she wore it until her little arms poked out of the sleeves much too far. :)
THEN i found another size at a consignment shop for just a bit more than i paid for the first one,
and this winter they could wear matching ones! i was so thrilled.
dressing my kids is way too fun. especially when it’s cheap. :)]

November in Colorado 055November in Colorado 060
November in Colorado 054 November in Colorado 104

November in Colorado 043November in Colorado 083

November in Colorado 093

November in Colorado 096November in Colorado 087November in Colorado 098

November in Colorado 066

November in Colorado 109
November in Colorado 110November in Colorado 068
November in Colorado 122

November in Colorado 162November in Colorado 176


Be blessed by and filled with Jesus today!

Of Christmas Past

This week marks two weeks that we’ve been back in the south and in our own little house.
Back to the balmy 70′ days, although I don’t expect this to last all winter.
I’m just thankful for all the cold and snow we had in Colorado,
so now I don’t mind the warmth this time of year. As much. :)

It’s quiet time in the household.
One down for a nap, another quite content with paper, scissors, and glue stick.
And I quite content with a few cookies that a friend brought over yesterday…
If she knew how quickly we devoured that plate, well, I’d be embarassed. :)

We’ve had to find a new normal for our little family,
schedules and time change and even just being together most of the time.

In Colorado I was in class every morning, and now I find my patience stretched!
For three months we were only together half a day, and now we re-learn what is expected of each other.
Granted, in the past four weeks since leaving the west, it’s not been a normal schedule at all.
Much traveling and time with family and friends, and now getting resettled.

It’s taking the kids and me a bit of time to find a rhythm with each other again,
and honestly, there is some needed training that has been going on with the kids
as well as repentance and apologies from me.

I often think of the quote by Ann Voskamp,
I don’t remember whether it’s in her book or if I just read it on her blog one day…
The parent must always self-parent first,
self-preach before child-teach, because who can bring peace unless they’ve held their own peace?”

It’s so very true.
Unless my heart is first at rest with my God and with the today He’s given me,
I will never be able to welcome peace in my children or my home.
Peace is not brought by forceful words of, “Guys, play nice with each other!!!!!”
or various other strategies. It’s brought only by the Spirit of the Lord allowed to indwell.

And as a dear friend reminded me once,
sometimes that means falling to my knees at the kitchen sink and pleading for His Sweet Grace,
first of all to be lived out in me and then that I can share it with my children.

Even when it feels like I don’t have time to stop,
like there are things to deal with now and I have to keep moving,
nothing is more important than allowing the Sweet Spirit of Jesus
to be present and to be residing and in control.

It’s not that I have some little hellions on my hands, not at all. :)
But it’s just that I desire our home to be one of rest and peace,
not one of chaos and perpetual cat-fights.
And I do believe that with Jesus, that is possible. It just starts with me, not with my kids…

[of christmas past]

[the whole dear family]

Barkman Newsletter Picture 2011

[the three dating couples, two of which are engaged!]

Asheville Family Vaca 3401394089_10150452048503922_794693921_8950443_1511320722_n300872_10150355025963922_794693921_8601818_1337942173_n

[fun family times]


A Pennsylvania Christmas 250A Pennsylvania Christmas 223
A Pennsylvania Christmas 197

[family rule for christmas eve and day]

A Pennsylvania Christmas 190

[brown paper packages tied up with string, and other pretty presents]

A Pennsylvania Christmas 202A Pennsylvania Christmas 239
A Pennsylvania Christmas 245A Pennsylvania Christmas 249
A Pennsylvania Christmas 247A Pennsylvania Christmas 246

[the tree, and homemade ornaments]

A Pennsylvania Christmas 200A Pennsylvania Christmas 238

[christmas eve candlelight dinner]
A Pennsylvania Christmas 169A Pennsylvania Christmas 164A Pennsylvania Christmas 164 A Pennsylvania Christmas 178A Pennsylvania Christmas 179

A Pennsylvania Christmas 169A Pennsylvania Christmas 164


Enjoy your today! And upcoming weekend!
~ clarita