It’s been a whirlwind past two/three weeks.
A lovely whirlwind, a busy whirlwind, when you’ve got three kids including a 4-week-old baby.
But when a sister is getting married, and a husband’s brother tying the knot a week later,
we wouldn’t miss it for the world!
We’ve been home about 2 days now, trying to make order from the unpacking chaos.
Trying to figure out schedules again.
Trying to be a mom of 3 on my own during the day
(my mom spoiled me when I was there for 2.5 weeks).
Whew, it’s busy.
We took time to continue K-4 the past two days.
Obviously, the books haven’t been finished from the school year.
Zoe read her first word all alone today.
I, ecstatic, shrieked and squealed and hugged her tight like any good mom would.
She promptly burst into tears (seriously, tears were rolling) and said she doesn’t want me to do all that.
So, the next words I gave her a high-five and that worked perfectly.
Is she even serious? I’m quite puzzled. Is she really a girl???
I have pictures that need to be downloaded from camera to computer.
I’m so excited about Ervina’s (my sister) wedding pictures.
Her wedding makes me smile with happiness every time I think of it.
I can’t wait to share. :)
But I have some pictures already loaded and edited from Hudson’s two-week pictures.
I was a little nervous about trying to take his pictures.
All I’ve ever done is girls, and that’s been girly-girl pretty much every time.
I for sure didn’t want to horrify his father and do something taboo
(his father is paranoid that Hudson might be a pansy because of two sisters. and mom).
These are already a month old (HOW can a month go by so quickly)
so he’s already looking older and more filled out, but these are his newborn shots.
Probably birth announcement pictures, if we send them out.
(we forgot with Olivia, how awful).
I saw an idea somewhere for a “nest” sort of picture, and tried to do something with that,
since it fit my whole Nesting syndrome and all. :)
The women who see it say, “Oh, it’s a nest!” and the men all say, “Why is he in a wreath??”
Must be the right-brained, left-brained thing going on.
Nest or wreath. Whatever.
But it cannot be denied that there is a whole lot of Baby Sweetness going on around here.
Coming: overload of cute baby ahead!
This little 10+ pound of sweetness has us melted in a puddle.
I forgot how much I absolutely adore newborns.
This little guy is preciousness itself.
I {{ love }} yawning babies.
I also {{ love }} baby hands and feet.
Ben had picked up some old wooden coke boxes several years ago.
Those were a little more masculine than some props, I thought.
[this is a bit too much like a Nativity replica, I think]
A little old wagon, bought for a dollar at a yard sale years ago.
Six weeks after his birth, we are more in love with him than ever before.
Whoever knew that having a boy would be SO much fun? SO much fun.
Dressing a boy seems incredibly simple but really fun.
I have some wonderful friends who threw a fabulously beautiful baby shower for the baby
and now Hudson has some great new clothes.
[he had 2 sleepers to his name at birth]
The girls have done so well with having a new baby in the house.
I keep expecting a storm to come, and so far, it’s been sunshine.
Sure, we still have the normal kid stuff, but amazingly it’s not been because of baby.
I’m so thankful to God, because it sure makes my adjustments a lot easier too.
Little Man still likes to eat often during the night, so I’m feeling the exhaustion of 6 weeks with not much sleep.
Hopefully soon he’ll decide to sleep through the night. :)
Little people are waking up from their naps and are hungry.
Is there ever a time when little people are NOT hungry??
I think they must all be having growth spurts around here,
“I’m hungry” is heard scores of times each day.
I thinking of setting [good, healthy, filling, get-it-yourself] snacks on the table at all hours!
Happy Beginning of Summer!
~ clarita
Oh Clarita, those pictures are adorable. The ones with the wreath and the red wagon are my favorites. WOW. Those photos will make some lovely keepsakes!
Your baby pics are darling!!
how do you get babies to sleep during a photo session?: i see pictures like this everywhere, so many beautiful babies in beautiful creative settings, and must assume that babies do cooperate and do sleep at times: i have no experience at all with this: but only have one so it is not statistically significant: my boy came into the world screaming and preceded to avoid sleeping at all costs: he is almost four now and still very much wide awake: and misses nothing!
Those pictures turned out fantastic Clarita! I was totally thinking “nest” not wreath ;) Sounds like life is starting to slow down a bit, that’s good.
O what wonderful pictures you take. When I try, well lets just say it looks like I tried. Mabye i will need to come and learn a few tips. He is so adorable/handsome:). And we cannot wait to see ya’ll again.
man i love your props! i think keeping then manly seems harder for a boy- maybe- what would i know? and hudson….. he is HANDSOME.
i’m behind in your blog & still smiling over olivia’s ‘come Lord Jesus!’ hair combing line – that was funny : )
you & your sisters are beauties.
darling little oneies you made for hudson.
and that first shot of all of him in the wreath should be a canvas on a wall – beautiful.
happy summer days to you ~
Sweet, sweet, sweet! Oh I love all those pictures of baby.
I love newborns. It is so much fun, but goes by so fast!
I can’t wait to see pictures from your sister’s wedding!
I saw the picture you posted on fb, and you don’t look like you just had a baby!!!
Happy Summer. =)
These are adorable!! Can’t wait to see y’all again! It’s been so long! And can’t wait to see wedding pictures too!
These are outstanding, Clarita!
The pops of red are a fun variation and his hat is super cute~
Great job on the K4…never thought I would be the one teaching my kids to read but now find it a sweet victory for them and me when they start reading! The things that God calls us to He will equip us to do, KEEP IT UP!!!
Love all the pictures! What a beautiful little man you have! (We can say they’re beautiful only when they’re babies right? :) )
We just got back from Lancaster yesterday…suitcase chaos is still reigning for us, too :) I thought of you while driving through “your” area; I didn’t know if you were still around or not.
Can’t wait to see pictures of the wedding!
You are, hands down, a completely and utterly professional baby picture-taker!! I love each and every one. The lighting is just perfect, and I too would like to know how you get him to sleep through it all. He certainly is one handsome, but smushible boy. Oh a different note, could you call me? I lost my cell phone and don’t have the number to call for that order. {Don’t really want to email the card number.} Thanks! And again, we loved having you all here. We take what we can get, right?
He is so so so so precious! And you don’t get much more boyish than a little red wagon!
So, so much cute. How blessed he is to have a mama who who can capture him so beautifully.
wreath vs. nest…that is so typical male vs. female! cracks me up! such cute pics…such a precious little guy! and his hat! just slays me!
glad you made it home safe and hoping you can continue to rest and return to life’s new normal….
what a DaRLiNg baby boy! SO cute!
Nest. ;) Love the pics. Love that baby.
I’m so happy so read your happiness and see your beauty! pa-recious-ness to the max is that little man of yours!
@theabsentmindedprofessor – that’s funny. :) i think each baby is so very different. i tried to take pictures like this of my second at two weeks and she was either wide awake or screaming the entire time! this is one sleepy little man, that’s for sure! and how are you!? goodness, i’d love to see you again!
oh, hudson! you make my heart feel tight. :) clarita, he is handsome, handsome, handsome!! (there. show that to ben, when he worries about his boy becoming a pansy in a girl world. i didn’t even call him cute. which is better than adorable. or precious.)
with caroline, my third, everything went beautifully until 6 weeks after she was born. and then began the worst stage of my life as a mom. it. was. horrible. may that never hit you.
love you.
He is just so stinking darling! Makes me want another baby.. now!
I totally saw a nest.. and the pictures are so cute! Glad the adjustments went well- may they continue. Can’t wait to see those weddings pics… Chris’ too. 
That Hudson-child makes me take back every last thing I ever said about wanting to have all daughters. I think I adore him more than is properly allowed. You guys make the cutest kids.
Oh so much newborn goodness. You make having a newborn look like so much fun! Great job with the pics. After two girls I too think photo shoots, etc… could be a challenge with a boy…not making it look girlish at all:)
I can so relate to the hungry ALL DAY LONG thing. My 3 and 4 yr. old girls just want to eat constantly too. It almost make me weary.
Take care and enjoy your beautiful family!
The photos of your handsome little man are perfect. Love the pop of red, the nest idea, and all his sleepy little goodness.
Sounds like a serious little reader you have there. Such a special milestone. I taught our roommates little guy to read in K, and he kissed my arm from the hand to the elbow he was so excited. A blessing.
what wreath? ;) i love that whole nest thing that you have going on with your little guy. these pics are d.a.r.l.i.n.g. wish that we could have crossed paths so i could have held him, and hugged YOU, in person. love ya.
Gulp! I said wreath, even after I had previously read your words about it. I can convince myself that it’s a nest, though. Love his hat. So darling. =)
he’s absolutely perfect. and you captured him so well~
very boyish and yet sweet babyish all at the same time!
this has certainly been the season of weddings for your family, eh.
so fun. and i love your attitude – not wanting to miss a second of any of it. =)
happy summer my sweet friend~
Love his hat!! and the pics are adorable!
Oh, that second picture is absolutely my favorite. I think it fits perfectly with your home, too. :) Hudson is sooooooooooooooooooo cute. I LOVE his hat, too! I can’t wait to hold him this weekend! I was thinking not too long ago that it would be fun to hold a newborn again. He probably doesn’t feel so newborn-ish to you anymore, though. :)
great job on capturing all his handsomeness…. i love little men and he looks like such a perfect little one.
so happy you will be able to take it a bit easier now and enjoy all the goodness that only a baby in the house can bring.
wishing you a blessed summer too.
very cute boy… thanks for sharing….
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