Health & Wellness

In the summer of 2014, out of desperation for my own health challenges, I began taking  the cute little pink drink, ;) also known as Plexus supplements. I talked about it on my blog throughout my health journey, and how I was amazed at the difference it made in my health!

It was not a overnight magical process; it was a period of several months as my body began restoring itself back to health. I went from being an exhausted mother of three, wiped out by small things, dealing with feelings of being overwhelmed, having low energy, feeling exhausted on a daily basis, to feeling healthy for the first time in years,  and having more than enough of energy and mental stamina to go through a day. I went from dragging through my days, to thriving as a mom of four! I love being able to keep up with my kiddos, and not have to think about a nap (for myself) as soon as I got up in the morning!

Because of the incredible change in my own health, I wanted to be able to offer that to other people as well, especially women. I want them to know that it is not normal to go through life completely exhausted, dealing with health issues; that there is hope for health and vitality!

It has been very exciting for me to become more educated in the world of health, and realize what is essential for health, energy, and strength in the body.

What is Plexus?

Plexus is a health and wellness company with natural products. They can help with natural pain relief and assist in gut health. Plexus has natural plant-based supplements. It contains no stimulants, is GMO-free, dairy-free, and is vegan and vegetarian. The products work to build health, thus building the body from the inside out rather than dealing with surface issues.

If you have any questions, please send me an email! I am thrilled and honored to lead a team  called the Wellness Village, and our team consists of over 1500 families as we thrive instead of survive! We are part of the best Health & Happiness company around, and I would love for YOU to be the next family to thrive along with us!

4 Replies to “Health & Wellness”

  1. Hello. My name is Tesia and I’ve been a follower of your blog/Instagram for about a year. I’m currently expecting a baby and am looking for an anchor for my post partum health. What would be the ideal time for me to start plexus? I feel slightly out of control with my diet right now but I am active as I try to exercise at least 3 times a week. I would love to hear your thoughts/advice on a healthy pregnancy and post partum period. Thanks! 💗

    Tesia Nordstrom

    1. I too would like to know if this is safe during pregnancy/trying to conceive or it’s a post baby thing? Thanks!

      1. Hi Jessica!
        I would always advise that you check with your health care provider/physician if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, but I’ll tell you that I have used the products while trying to conceive, during 9 months of pregnancy, as well as post-partum (all with my doctor’s approval), and it has been the best pre-and post-pregnancy experience so far (out of four)! I’m so grateful!!

    2. Hi Tesia!
      Thanks so much for following! And congratulations on your pregnancy! How exciting!
      I always suggest someone ask their healthcare provider when would be a good time to begin supplements like this! It may be different for various people, but for myself, I used Plexus throughout my entire pregnancy and still continuing post-partum, with my healthcare provider’s approval. A pregnancy takes so much from a mother’s body, that I think it is very important to continually be rebuilding the mother’s body with health and nutrition, so that she is not depleted at the end of a pregnancy. My personal experience (with my 4th baby) was that taking care of my body during pregnancy was not only an investment in my own health, but also in the health of my unborn baby, and also investing into the critical post-partum time as well. My pregnancy and post-partum experience have been a breeze this time around, and I have been amazed because normally I hear that pregnancies become harder, not easier!

      I hope that helps! Please feel free to email, I’d love to chat more with you! :) xx <3

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