11 Replies to “And – She’s Married!”

  1. You all look lovely! Congratulations to the gorgeous bride and handsome groom. A wedding is a wonderful celebration!

  2. This is it?!?!?!? Clarita!!!! I want to see more!!!
    How long will you be in PA? We will be there this coming weekend, maybe we can get together if it works out!

  3. the colors and textures make me swoon. you all look SO pretty.
    man, if there would be one thing i could do over at my wedding, it would be to have NON matching-exactly bridesmaids dresses. good choice, bride!

  4. uh, obviously the comment above is spam. just how many websites can you list in on comment or get your grammar really wrong anyways? But on to the matter at hand . . . you sisters are all simply lovely, and Ervina’s wedding from all that I see and hear was beautiful!! Looking forward to more. :)

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