1. Sleep.
2. Dressing for the Weather.
3. Supplements.

celebrating God in simple beauty
And my take at the end of the 9+ month experiment – I loved it! It felt very freeing to not be watching numbers and making food choices based on that. The only times that I knew anything about weight was when I’ve have my checkups, and my nurse would weigh me and I’d get a little sneak peak when she wrote the amount down on my chart. :) As best I can figure (because I don’t know my exact pre-pregnancy weight either), I gained about the exact amount as I did when I was closely watching my weight.
It was my 4th pregnancy, and it was the very best ever. I could not believe how good I felt the whole way through! I felt like I paid attention to what my body was needing to nourish a little life within me – which made me in awe of God all over again, because it’s He who created our bodies so intricately, and with such amazing intuition.
My conclusion on the matter is – HEALTH MATTERS. Giving my body health before pregnancy through healthy eating, exercise, and natural supplements, gave my body the things it needed for a wonderful, healthy life to develop.
So today I’m so very thankful for good health, amazing supplements, and great genes (thanks, Mom & Grammy)! :)
Edited to add:
Congratulations! Please check your email (and possibly spam folder! :) ) for an email with details on how to receive your package!
Also, there was so much interest in the Plexus products, and I would love to talk more with any of you who are interested, if you’ve not already been working with an ambassador! It is just a joy to share products that truly work to bring health, and that are changing people’s lives. Health truly is an amazing gift! So please feel free to message me!
It’s been a bit since I’ve talked about Plexus on my blog, but I am more excited about it than ever!! My own health continues to be such a blessing, and as we returned home from a busy weekend trip with over 24 hours of traveling, many late nights, and not much sleep, I’m amazed again at how good I feel! Normally this would have left me exhausted for days, but this time the morning after just feels like my new-normal good days. I’m so grateful!
If Plexus is new to you, and you’d like to read more of my own personal story, you can find it here. But in a nutshell, I dealt with adrenal fatigue, low blood sugar, brain fog, and being underweight, and desperately needed something that would work from the inside out, not just mask symptoms.
There are some people who wonder what all the excitement is about, and if you have never experienced health challenges or felt desperate for answers to what is happening in your body, then thank Jesus!! Not everyone is in need of these products and there are those who enjoy great health – and that is wonderful! But there are many who are looking for something to help frustrating and crippling health concerns, and it’s for those people that I am excited to share!
I am not a doctor or nurse, but in my own journey of health I have been learning so many things about how the body works, and it is so fascinating and exciting! These products are not a magic cure for anything, and they will not turn your twinkies into protein, unfortunately! But they do work to bring health to core and essential levels of the body. So I want to tell you about four of my favorite products, and why they work as they do. Let’s get started!
*Plexus does not intend to treat, diagnose or cure any disease and individual results will vary. Plexus products are health supplements made of plant-based ingredients that target health on core levels of the body. They are supplements, not drugs.
Have you ever wondered why Plexus products may help so many different health concerns? I know I did!
Eva Schmidt gives a great explanation:
It’s because inflammation, blood sugar instability and gut health are the ROOT cause of so many health issues. Instead of addressing the root problem, most of the time we end up treating symptoms with prescriptions, which have their OWN side effects, thus creating MORE issues to deal with.
Here’s a better explanation from Jennifer George Pickett, a Dietitian who believes in Plexus. She has a Master’s degree and almost 17 years of health care experience and below she shares her opinion on what makes Plexus different… I wholeheartedly agree!
She writes… “In my opinion, what makes Plexus different is that these products address the root of the problem. After working with many clients and team members, I have seen the most common root problems are blood sugar instability, poor gut health and inflammation. Until root problems are addressed, it is hard to see health results.
* Plexus Slim addresses blood sugar instability and inflammation
* Fast Relief also addresses inflammation
* ProBio5 and BioCleanse addresses poor gut health”
Curious what Plexus is? It’s not just more pills to take – Wendy Carr Larson explains it this way:
Plexus Slim is a yummy little pink drink that you take first thing in the morning.
It helps stabilize your blood sugars throughout the day which in turn helps you have more energy, Stable blood sugars also mean LESS STRESS on the body!! Less stress means less inflammation, less raised cortisol or adrenal fatigue. Less stress means healthier blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipids. People report having great energy, sleeping better, less cravings for sugar/snacks, and weight loss.
Plexus Slim also helps insulin to function better. Insulin is the master hormone in your body, which means it has a very important job! Insulin tells all the other hormones what to do! Hormones tell your body whether to burn fat and lose weight or to store fat and gain weight or to find balance and weight maintenance in between. When it comes to your body “deciding” what state to be in, there are two key hormones that regulate food intake and energy balance.
Did you know if your blood sugar is off-balance it can affect your mood and hormones? True story. This is one great benefit I’ve noticed!
So why is a healthy blood sugar level important, and what can it do?
Here are just a few benefits of just a balance blood sugar level alone:
-prevents pre-diabetes
-helps diabetics with healthier blood sugar balance
-helps to prevent light-headedness, shakiness that is a result of low blood sugar
-helps to balance hormones
-blood sugar balance reduces inflammation
Interesting fact: Did you know that the only common denominator in people who live to be over a 100 years old that scientist can find is how sensitive they are to insulin?! So if we can keep our blood sugars stable, not swinging up and down, our bodies can release less insulin and become more sensitive to insulin.
Features & Benefits of Slim:
* Helps maintain healthy blood sugars
* Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
* Helps maintain healthy cholesterol and lipid levels
* Proven ingredients—including Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chlorogenic Acid, and Garcinia Cambogia—that address all areas of weight loss
* No meal replacements
* No shakes
The body naturally stores fat. The most common areas are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. These excess fat stores contain toxins that can cause havoc with our immune system. Plexus Slim and other products work to reduce fat, thereby gaining better health. This picture shows the difference between dieting and cleansing, and why cleansing makes all the difference.
What IS a probiotic, and why is it important?
A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract.
A probiotic is also referred to as the “friendly”, “beneficial”, or “good” bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease. The Plexus Probio5 is the only probiotic on the market that also contains an antifungal ingredient, which is so essential in the treating of yeast overgrowth in the body!
ProBio5 features five probiotics, added enzymes, Vitamin B6, Grape Seed extract and Vitamin C—all in one effective delivery system.
Features & Benefits
⦁ Yeast organism and fungal cleanse
⦁ Proper probiotic balance in the intestinal tract
⦁ Proper intestinal balance which increases nutrient absorption
⦁ Relief from typical yeast symptoms (anxiety, recurring irritability, lethargy, allergies, acne, dry/flaky skin, migraines, and so forth)
Doctors say that 80% of our health lies in our gastrointestinal tract, which is our gut/colon/digestive tract. It is a huge area of our body, and studies show that even things like depression, autoimmune diseases, skin issues, and a myriad of other health issues have their root in an unhealthy gut.
Poor eating habits, chlorinated drinking water, stress and disease and the use of antibiotics in food production as well as in medical treatments can wreak havoc in the gastrointestinal tract by destroying good bacteria and allowing undesirable bacteria to multiply.
When the ratio of good bacteria to bad is lowered, problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients.
So…..have you ever considered that your gut is sick?
And that your gut being sick is making YOU sick? Making your joints hurt? Having headaches? Being grumpy, to lacking concentration? Causing bad allergies, and being tired all the time? I don’t know a lot about lots of things. BUT, I do know how to help you gut! And your gut is the hub—the grand central station–of how you feel every day!
Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) is a major cause of disease and dysfunction in modern society, accounts for at least 50% of chronic complaints, as confirmed by laboratory tests. It is often the primary cause of the following common (auto-immune) conditions :
food allergies,
chronic sinusitis,
irritable bowel,
fungal disorders,
and inflammatory joint disorders including rheumatoid arthritis are just a few of the diseases that can originate with leaky gut. It can contribute to PMS, uterine fibroid, breast fibroid.
In Leaky Gut Syndrome, the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated, which allows metabolic and microbial toxins of the small intestines to flood into the blood stream. This event compromises the liver, the lymphatic system, and the immune response including the endocrine system.
Some of the most incurable diseases are caused by this exact mechanism, where the body attacks its own tissues.
This is commonly called auto-immune disease.
So how do you get a HEALTHY gut?
By providing it with healthy bacteria that nourishes, with enzymes, with life-giving nutrients that not only feed the healthy bacteria but kill the unhealthy bacteria, which is the yeast or candida overgrowth that is the “mystery illness” of America. Literally, hundreds of surface issues spring from this one iceburg issue.
As a result of the modern lifestyle, most of our bodies are burdened with toxic waste and sluggish metabolisms. Having an excess of toxic waste can leave the body tired, achy, and bloated, with a low energy level and weakened immune system. Detoxification is a process that expels excess waste and accumulated toxins from our body. Fortunately, Plexus has developed products to help the body detoxify and cleanse the gastro-intestinal tract and arteries.
Many people are in a low oxygen/toxic state. This is caused by poor diet, stress, low activity levels, polluted air and shallow breathing. The body cannot keep up its metabolism in this state, and begins to gather waste products more rapidly than it can eliminate them. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and other things thrive in this condition, and can lead to diseases such as flu, yeast overgrowth, chronic fatigue, etc. Plexus Bio-Cleanse oxygenates and energizes your body while detoxifying and cleansing wastes, pathogens and plaque in the gastrointestinal tract, colon, arteries, blood, etc.
So while cleansing the body of waste is very important and what most people think of with a cleanse, there are so many MORE health benefits than that alone.
Interesting fact:
“In 1931 Dr. Warlburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells.
He stated in an article entitled “The Cause and Prevention of Cancer” that ‘the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it is caused when any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.’
This is what Plexus says about the BioCleanse: BioCleanse oxygenates and energizes the body while helping cleanse wastes, pathogens and plaque in the gastrointestinal tract, colon, arteries, blood, etc.’
This is really very exciting, you all!!
Those three (Slim, Probio5, and BioCleanse) can be purchased individually or as a combo package (much cheaper) called the Triplex. YOU WILL FEEL FABULOUS on this combo!!
People were asking for a multi-vitamin and Plexus Worldwide delivered – X-Factor! Talk about amazing results – it’s turbo-charged with daily vitamins and antioxidants. Nowhere else will you find this mixture of New Zealand Black Currant and Aloe! Consuming multi vitamin supplements is a good thing. With our poor diets and all the other threats to our health, it’s critical to have a high-quality food source of vital nutrients. In fact, studies suggest that the majority of multivitamin products are of poor quality and difficult for the body’s digestive tract to break down, digest and absorb.
This unique patented Aloe formula that blends filtered whole leaf aloe and aloe leaf gel, smartly delivers polysaccharide nutrients. Many studies show that the aloe helps you to absorb the Vitamin E and C ingredients by up to 3 times more! It also helps you absorb any of the Plexus products you take with more affectively!
Also, they came out with family chewable, which my kids love! People report reduced cases of sicknesses and better energy and all around health with both of these incredible products. This whole winter we have had ONE bout of a flu bug the entire winter; the only thing we’ve done differently than other years (of repeated sickness) is taking Plexus products.
-The Blackcurrant in our XFactor is also rich in Iron which increases the production of red blood cells. Due to its rich Vitamin C, Black currant increases the body’s capacity to absorb iron. The XFactor also is Rich in the fat soluble Vitamins A and C. It also has high amounts of calcium which strengthens bone and teeth and may be effective in helping to prevent osteoporosis. It also helps improves oral health.
Features & Benefits
Delivers several B vitamins, vitamins D, C and E, the antioxidant protection of New Zealand Blackcurrants, and the impressive nutrient profile of Aloe
* Oxygenates the body, safeguarding against damaged/dysfunctional cells
* Provides super-potent antioxidant protection
* Delivers support for whole-body wellness
* Supports the body’s functions, processes and systems
* Super-charges the body’s various immune activities
While Plexus cannot claim to cure or diagnose anything, researching done on the products have been amazing to see:
A colleague of the developer of the X Factor was given permission to treat 31 cancer patients in England, all who had been given a diagnosis of 3-6 months to live. He gave the subjects OUR ALOE BLEND 3 times a day.
4 ½ years later:
2 were in complete remission
7 showed reduced amounts of cancer
22 had the cancer growth stabilized………
and none had died.
And that is the basic product overview, the nutshell version. :)
ALL the products come with a 60-day money back guarantee, which speak of the company’s belief in their products, and also of their belief that health takes time. Plexus doesn’t expect health issues to clear up overnight, and neither should anyone else.
If you’d like to try the products, here are some ordering options!
Retail Customer is a one-time purchase, 60-day money-back guarantee. It’s the most expensive, and gives you no benefits.
Preferred Customer, automatic monthly shipment, 60-day guarantee = best customer option
Wholesale Ambassador, best pricing, comes with your own website so you and your friends can order = best all-around option if someone is ordering over $100 a month!
If you’ve considered it for the purposes of earning enough to pay for your own order, I don’t push you to do more than that, unless that is something you want to do. I’m passionate. I pray over my customers. And my team. I cry when I get emails about how my customers and team are experiencing results and help for their health. I want to help people in their health journey – that is my passion! If you message me, I answer questions but no pressure.
I’m passionate about helping families on their journey of health. My passion is because I get my “highs” from seeing people get well!
This is also a great business opportunity, if anyone is looking for something like that. It has been such a fulfilling business for me to offer hope and wellness to other people through these products and building relationships!
And now for the GIVEAWAY!
I am giving away a 30-day supply of the Plexus Slim to one lucky person!
Here is how you enter:
1. You may not be a current customer to an ambassador, or an ambassador, or working with another ambassador. If you already are, then you do not qualify to enter this giveaway. You are still welcome to share it, but not to enter the giveaway.
2. If you qualify after #1, then please enter! :)
Do so by leaving a comment on this blog post about why you’d like to try it (1 point),
then gain additional points by sharing on Facebook or a social media site (5 extra points!!)
A winner will be chosen and notified in one week, May 15!
And, if you’d like to try the products and see for yourself why I’m so excited about them, you can visit this website and order from there! Or, you can message me here with any questions about the products or about the ambassador opportunity! I always love to hear from you.
Also, now through June 15, if you order the X-Factor family chewables, use the code FAMILY5 for a $5 discount off your purchase! This is a great way to try out this product for your kids!
Let the entries begin! :)
It’s not a secret that I am excited about a certain nutritional supplement because of the way my health has been so wonderfully changed during this year! I didn’t talk about my health much, but my husband and I knew something was physically wrong because of how emotionally overwhelmed I’d become over small things, and because of how exhausted I was all the time.
But seriously, this has been a game-changer for me. I went from being an exhausted mother of three, dealing with extreme fatigue and sugar issues, having terrible “brain fog” and thinking this must just be normal, to feeling wonderful and better than I have in 5-6 years. It has been incredible for me, and for my family! Because when the mom feels better, the whole family benefits. In huge ways! :) I talked more about why I tried it in this post.
I’ve had a lot of people contact me and ask about it, and a question I’m often asked is,
“What actually IS Plexus?”
So I want to talk about what Plexus is, what these products are made of, and the science behind why it works. Today I’ll talk about the Slim (a.k.a. Pink Drink – and no, it’s not just for girls!). What got me excited about Plexus is not just that it is helping so many people, but WHY. I like to know the why behind something, not just blindly believing and having no idea what is happening in my body.
The Pink Drink is becoming wonderfully famous. I mean, what other supplement out there comes in a powdered drink form that tastes wonderful (my kids BEG for it), contains stevia for sweetener, is jam-packed with nutrition, increases energy, decreases the “munchies”? There is nothing else like it!
It is not a magic potion, an overnight-cure-all, or an instant-fix; it is a loaded supplement that enables your body to come to health, and that is not an overnight process. There is a reason for the 60-day money-back guarantee the company offers on all their products: because they believe in the products, and because health isn’t fixed overnight. In a culture of instant-everything, of medications that offer instant results (even if it’s just masking the real issues), Plexus is a totally different mindset; it is that of healing the body from the inside out, of healing root issues, not putting a band-aid on surface problem.
The Slim was originally created by two doctors who were wanting to help diabetics regulate their blood sugar naturally. Through keeping blood sugar at healthy levels, they found it also helps with healthy weight loss, and many other things. Blood sugar levels are connected to many other areas of health in the body.
The body naturally stores fat. The most common areas are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. These excess fat stores contain toxins that cause havoc with our immune system. Ultimately this can lead to heart disease, diabetes, loss of energy, depression and many other debilitating conditions.
Plexus Slim:
-There is no sugar, sucralose (just google how sucralose is made – scary), artificial sweeteners or substitutes.
– It is a powerhouse of nutrition and works for the cellular health of your body (healthy cells = healthy you)
– It includes trace minerals from plant-based ingredients as well as vitamins and amino acids.
– It contains no stimulants; all energy you feel is real and produced from your body.
– It contains no MSG, no gluten, and is vegetarian and vegan safe.
[for those who want the details]
Well, let’s talk about what Plexus IS NOT first….
Plexus IS NOT a meal replacement or shake.
Plexus IS NOT a magic potion or miracle that will make you lose 50 pounds overnight with no effort.
Plexus IS NOT meant to replace a healthy diet or exercise.
Plexus IS a natural health supplement that is gluten free, with no artificial flavors or colors, sweetened with stevia for a zero glycemic index.
Plexus helps regulate blood sugars.
So, what are the ingredients, what are they made of, and what do they do for the body?
Let’s talk about that.
The ingredients are plant-based, and have some big names. These are scientific names(scary!) so we’ll break it down and talk about what they do and the science behind it (which I LOVE and find so fascinating!).
Chromium GTF is known as an essential trace element. It is used for blood sugar control for people diabetes, pre-diabetes, and high blood sugar due to steroids. It is also used for depression, lowering bad cholesterol, and raising good cholesterol; aids in weight loss, fat loss, and muscle gain; improves athletic performance and increases energy, and potentially helping to curb cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Balancing blood sugar also leads to hormones reaching healthy levels as well.
This is known to aid in lowering blood pressure; and it contains a very important antioxidant for our bodies. Chlorogenic Acid will help to slow the release of sugars (glucose) into the blood stream after you eat. This is very important in helping people lose weight. Typically when you eat a meal, all the glucose that is found in the meal goes into your blood stream and get carried to different organs. Once your body gets all the necessary blood sugars, it will store the rest as fat cells to be burned off later. The problem arises when most people eat a high sugar diet, which means you never truly burn off these fat cells that are being stored for “later.”
Citrin is aa standardized herbal extract from the rind of the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant. This reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat by inhibiting certain enzyme processes. You experience a curbed appetite, have fewer tendencies to “nibble,” and an increase in energy. It also helps your body by increasing serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you feel good. Having low levels of serotonin may make you feel depressed or anxious. By increasing serotonin levels, it improves mood and suppresses the drive to react to stressful situations with food.
Alpha-lipoic acid (also known as lipoic acid, thioctic acid, or ALA) seems to help prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. There is also evidence that alpha-lipoic acid can improve the function and conduction of neurons in diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid is used in the body to break down carbohydrates and to make energy for the other organs in the body.The antioxidant effects might also be helpful in certain liver diseases. Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the good fatty acids produced in every one of our cells. One of its main functions is to help convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Besides taking ALA for its general benefits as an antioxidant, studies have shown that alpha lipoic acid can help with the following conditions:
–High Blood Pressure
–Coronary Heart Disease
–High blood pressure and elevated cholesterol
–Peripheral Neuropathy (caused by diabetes and other conditions, such as Lyme Disease, alcoholism, shingles, thyroid disease and kidney failure)
-Diabetes (improving glucose metabolism and helping diabetics utilize insulin better)
–Liver Disease
–Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (increasing long-term survival)
–Impaired Brain Function (as a treatment for stroke and other brain disorders involving free radical damage, including Alzheimer’s disease)
–Effects of Aging!!!!!! (improving blood flow and enhancing immune function, restoring levels of glutathione, a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound)
–Degenerative Diseases (ALA is a strong anti-inflammatory agent)
–Glaucoma and Cataracts
A form of soluble fiber that can take the place of sugar in beverages.It is frequently used as an ingredient in low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic cooking recipes. It is also used as a thickening agent. Polydextrose has shown healthful prebiotic benefits when tested in animals. It contains only 1 kcal per gram and, therefore, is able to help reduce calories.
Citric acid is a weak organic acid. It is a natural preservative/conservative and is also used to add an acidic, or sour, taste to foods and soft drinks.
Beet Root is used for coloring and is a potent and nutritious source of natural energy and vitality. It is a great way to purify and build healthy blood and normalize the pH balance in our bodies (which helps reduce the risk of cancer).
Stevia is derived from natural substances, unlike other sugar substitutes, such as Equal or Nutrisweet. Stevia extract is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as a dietary supplement and for use in food.
Lo Han Kuo is the fruit of a plant cultivated in the mountains of southern China. Mogrosides, which are water extracted from the Lo Han fruit, offer a pleasant, sweet taste without elevating blood sugar.
And that is a detailed explanation of the Slim!
If you’d like more information, I’d love to tell you more. You can find me on Facebook, send me an email here, or ask a question in the comments.
If you’d like to try the Slim, you can order here: www.claritayoder.myplexusproducts.com. The 60-day money-back guarantee is awesome: you’ll either feel better, or get all your money back. It’s such a win!
Okay, so the giveaway! I am giving away a 7-day trial pack of the Slim!
To enter the giveaway, please
1. watch this short video from a southern belle, or this one, or if you want some humor, this one.
2. Leave a comment telling one thing you learned from the video
The winner will be announced next Monday, the 15th!
Because of the number of comments, I decided to give away TWO trial packs of Plexus Slim instead of one. The two winners are Sonya and Natalie! Congratulations, you two! I’ve contacted you personally, so look for an email in your inbox. :)
This giveaway is now closed.
Have a great beginning to your week!
Edited to say: My health is a work in progress; health in general is not an over-night fix. But the reason I am so excited about these products is because they are the first thing that has actually helped to restore and rejuvenate my health. Very likely no one on this earth will have perfect 100% health 100% of the time, but I am so thankful to be feeling better than I have in years after several months of Plexus.
Just last week, out of the blue, my husband said, “Your health is SO different than it used to be!” I laughed, because I knew it was true, and was just waiting for him to notice on his own. :)
I’ll be the first to admit that I was a complete skeptic: I thought there was no way this supplement could actually be good for you. This was BEFORE I really looked into Plexus, and I thought there must be awful ingredients somewhere that would make it harmful to a person’s health! I tend to jump the clear opposite direction of the Latest Greatest Products, because surely they can’t be all they are cracked up to be!
But a friend, who is natural minded, level-headed. :) and who has been helped so much health-wise herself through these products, began telling me about them. If I hadn’t heard through her, I don’t know that I would have tried them, because she is someone I trust and that makes thought-through decisions. Plus, these products are also recommended by the Bulk Herb Store, which is a very reputable place. I decided the least thing I can do is give it a try because it would either 1) help me! or 2) I’d get all my money back. There was really nothing to lose.
So why did I even want to try it?
Health-wise, I seemed mostly okay.
But my husband and I knew that I was so run-down physically. Having babies and nursing them has been so hard on my body, and after three of these precious kiddos I had almost no energy left. I thought that was just normal with three kids.
I’d wake up in the morning, after sleeping all night (my kids are great sleepers) and still felt like a truck ran over me. I couldn’t wait until nap time, when I could rest again in the afternoon. But often I didn’t get a rest, because it’s hard to line up three little people’s schedules to all be quiet at the very same time for more than a few minutes.
I had adrenal fatigue, which means that anything physically or emotionally or mentally wiped me out. If we’d go away for a weekend or week, I’d come back home and have no energy left for days. Like, NO ENERGY.
I had low blood sugar, where I could see my hands shake from the low sugar levels in my body. If I stood up too fast, I’d have to grab onto something because I’d black out and couldn’t see anything.
I had “mommy brain” – you know, where they talk about your brain leaving with the birth of your babies. It’s also called brain fog in very scientific terms, :) where I couldn’t seem to think clearly, and if I had a busy day I’d feel completely overwhelmed because it would be too much for me to keep up with mentally.
I did not need to lose weight, and did not want to. I know, you can throw the tomatoes. My mom passed down really good genetics to where weight isn’t something I’ve had to struggle with. I run to stay toned because even good genetics don’t keep someone toned and healthy. :) The running made me feel good as far as physically toned, but not with my energy levels, and I knew I needed someone more. But what??
This is the part where I tried Plexus Slim, also known as the Pink Drink. :)
Still fully skeptical, I tried it. With the 60-day money-back guarantee, I thought there was nothing to lose. If it didn’t work, I would get every penny back. If it did help me, then yay, I’d be feeling better!!
It was not an overnight change, because Plexus Slim is not a magic potion. Their products work from the inside out, and as with nearly anything good, it takes time to work. Plexus works at a cellular level, and is loaded with ingredients that make healthy cells in your body. And healthy cells = healthy you! The Slim is full of all natural products, with nothing in fine print that you don’t want to know about. It’s gluten-free. It’s packed with good products and trace minerals that aren’t instant-magic, but that work with your body to bring full vital health.
It was after the first month that I noticed that I began to wake up feeling refreshed. Actually refreshed, to where I’d wake up and feel ready to get out of bed. Get out of town!!! What was happening to me? During the third month of taking the Slim (Pink Drink) is where I started feeling very different, like I was beginning to feel healthy again! It has been YEARS since I felt healthy.
After that first month I had some times where my energy lowered a bit for a week or so as the toxins were being taken out of my body, but then my energy continued climbing again. And I’ve had a few days here and there where I can tell I’m going through another small detoxing phase, but overall my energy is increasing, and I feel better continually.
Now, I don’t even think about a nap during the day, because I don’t need one. I am not wiped out after a weekend or week away, even with late nights. I can return home and feel just fine! My “brain fog” keeps clearing up and I can go through busy days so much better. Again, it is not a miracle product, but it does work with your body to bring optimum health, and I am so thankful!! My husband also started taking the Slim, and he cannot believe the better energy he has. And it’s not because of a caffeine rush! I have not lost weight on the Pink Drink; those I’ve asked about that say that lower-weight people don’t need to worry, because it’s optimally about good health, which brings about a healthy weight.
This blog is not going to become all about Plexus, but from time to time I may mention it. I just want other women and mothers to know that you can have help for your health! You don’t have to be exhausted and wiped out all the time! If someone has told you about Plexus, I highly recommend that you contact them and try this product! :)
Plexus has helped thousands of people to come to better health – there are countless testimonies of tick-borne illnesses, yeast/issues, high/low blood sugar levels, digestive problems, poor gut health, hormone levels, and so much more being helped!
Other people try Plexus for the weight loss benefits, or the home business aspect.
I began taking Plexus for my own health benefits, and have now begun selling it as a business. You can purchase through me at my site here, message me through my blog, leave a comment below, or message me on Facebook if you have questions or want more information about it.
I greatly dislike high-pressure salespeople, so this is not about pressure! :) But just to let you know that there is a way to better health if you have been struggling. I’m not paid to advertise here, and if I wasn’t so sold on a product there was no way I could be writing an entire blog post on Plexus! I would have thought myself crazy six months ago. :)
The 60-day money-back guarantee on every single product shows the company’s belief in their products, and also their belief in true health that begins from the inside out, not an instant temporary fix. Here is a little video of the various Plexus products, if you’re interested in learning more.
So, whether you try Plexus products or not, here’s cheers for better health, to the glory of God!