It’s not a secret that I am excited about a certain nutritional supplement because of the way my health has been so wonderfully changed during this year! I didn’t talk about my health much, but my husband and I knew something was physically wrong because of how emotionally overwhelmed I’d become over small things, and because of how exhausted I was all the time.
But seriously, this has been a game-changer for me. I went from being an exhausted mother of three, dealing with extreme fatigue and sugar issues, having terrible “brain fog” and thinking this must just be normal, to feeling wonderful and better than I have in 5-6 years. It has been incredible for me, and for my family! Because when the mom feels better, the whole family benefits. In huge ways! :) I talked more about why I tried it in this post.
I’ve had a lot of people contact me and ask about it, and a question I’m often asked is,
“What actually IS Plexus?”
So I want to talk about what Plexus is, what these products are made of, and the science behind why it works. Today I’ll talk about the Slim (a.k.a. Pink Drink – and no, it’s not just for girls!). What got me excited about Plexus is not just that it is helping so many people, but WHY. I like to know the why behind something, not just blindly believing and having no idea what is happening in my body.
In a nutshell
The Pink Drink is becoming wonderfully famous. I mean, what other supplement out there comes in a powdered drink form that tastes wonderful (my kids BEG for it), contains stevia for sweetener, is jam-packed with nutrition, increases energy, decreases the “munchies”? There is nothing else like it!
It is not a magic potion, an overnight-cure-all, or an instant-fix; it is a loaded supplement that enables your body to come to health, and that is not an overnight process. There is a reason for the 60-day money-back guarantee the company offers on all their products: because they believe in the products, and because health isn’t fixed overnight. In a culture of instant-everything, of medications that offer instant results (even if it’s just masking the real issues), Plexus is a totally different mindset; it is that of healing the body from the inside out, of healing root issues, not putting a band-aid on surface problem.
The Slim was originally created by two doctors who were wanting to help diabetics regulate their blood sugar naturally. Through keeping blood sugar at healthy levels, they found it also helps with healthy weight loss, and many other things. Blood sugar levels are connected to many other areas of health in the body.
The body naturally stores fat. The most common areas are the stomach, thighs and buttocks. These excess fat stores contain toxins that cause havoc with our immune system. Ultimately this can lead to heart disease, diabetes, loss of energy, depression and many other debilitating conditions.
Plexus Slim:
-There is no sugar, sucralose (just google how sucralose is made – scary), artificial sweeteners or substitutes.
– It is a powerhouse of nutrition and works for the cellular health of your body (healthy cells = healthy you)
– It includes trace minerals from plant-based ingredients as well as vitamins and amino acids.
– It contains no stimulants; all energy you feel is real and produced from your body.
– It contains no MSG, no gluten, and is vegetarian and vegan safe.
The extended version…
[for those who want the details]
Well, let’s talk about what Plexus IS NOT first….
Plexus IS NOT a meal replacement or shake.
Plexus IS NOT a magic potion or miracle that will make you lose 50 pounds overnight with no effort.
Plexus IS NOT meant to replace a healthy diet or exercise.
Plexus IS a natural health supplement that is gluten free, with no artificial flavors or colors, sweetened with stevia for a zero glycemic index.
Plexus helps regulate blood sugars.
So, what are the ingredients, what are they made of, and what do they do for the body?
Let’s talk about that.
The ingredients are plant-based, and have some big names. These are scientific names(scary!) so we’ll break it down and talk about what they do and the science behind it (which I LOVE and find so fascinating!).
Chromium GTF is known as an essential trace element. It is used for blood sugar control for people diabetes, pre-diabetes, and high blood sugar due to steroids. It is also used for depression, lowering bad cholesterol, and raising good cholesterol; aids in weight loss, fat loss, and muscle gain; improves athletic performance and increases energy, and potentially helping to curb cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Balancing blood sugar also leads to hormones reaching healthy levels as well.
Chlorogenic Acid
This is known to aid in lowering blood pressure; and it contains a very important antioxidant for our bodies. Chlorogenic Acid will help to slow the release of sugars (glucose) into the blood stream after you eat. This is very important in helping people lose weight. Typically when you eat a meal, all the glucose that is found in the meal goes into your blood stream and get carried to different organs. Once your body gets all the necessary blood sugars, it will store the rest as fat cells to be burned off later. The problem arises when most people eat a high sugar diet, which means you never truly burn off these fat cells that are being stored for “later.”
Citrin K
Citrin is aa standardized herbal extract from the rind of the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant. This reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat by inhibiting certain enzyme processes. You experience a curbed appetite, have fewer tendencies to “nibble,” and an increase in energy. It also helps your body by increasing serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you feel good. Having low levels of serotonin may make you feel depressed or anxious. By increasing serotonin levels, it improves mood and suppresses the drive to react to stressful situations with food.
Alpha Lipolic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid (also known as lipoic acid, thioctic acid, or ALA) seems to help prevent certain kinds of cell damage in the body, and also restores vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. There is also evidence that alpha-lipoic acid can improve the function and conduction of neurons in diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid is used in the body to break down carbohydrates and to make energy for the other organs in the body.The antioxidant effects might also be helpful in certain liver diseases. Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the good fatty acids produced in every one of our cells. One of its main functions is to help convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Besides taking ALA for its general benefits as an antioxidant, studies have shown that alpha lipoic acid can help with the following conditions:
–High Blood Pressure
–Coronary Heart Disease
–High blood pressure and elevated cholesterol
–Peripheral Neuropathy (caused by diabetes and other conditions, such as Lyme Disease, alcoholism, shingles, thyroid disease and kidney failure)
-Diabetes (improving glucose metabolism and helping diabetics utilize insulin better)
–Liver Disease
–Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (increasing long-term survival)
–Impaired Brain Function (as a treatment for stroke and other brain disorders involving free radical damage, including Alzheimer’s disease)
–Effects of Aging!!!!!! (improving blood flow and enhancing immune function, restoring levels of glutathione, a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound)
–Degenerative Diseases (ALA is a strong anti-inflammatory agent)
–Glaucoma and Cataracts
A form of soluble fiber that can take the place of sugar in beverages.It is frequently used as an ingredient in low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic cooking recipes. It is also used as a thickening agent. Polydextrose has shown healthful prebiotic benefits when tested in animals. It contains only 1 kcal per gram and, therefore, is able to help reduce calories.
Citric Acid
Citric acid is a weak organic acid. It is a natural preservative/conservative and is also used to add an acidic, or sour, taste to foods and soft drinks.
Beet Root Extract
Beet Root is used for coloring and is a potent and nutritious source of natural energy and vitality. It is a great way to purify and build healthy blood and normalize the pH balance in our bodies (which helps reduce the risk of cancer).
Stevia Extract
Stevia is derived from natural substances, unlike other sugar substitutes, such as Equal or Nutrisweet. Stevia extract is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as a dietary supplement and for use in food.
Lo Han Extract
Lo Han Kuo is the fruit of a plant cultivated in the mountains of southern China. Mogrosides, which are water extracted from the Lo Han fruit, offer a pleasant, sweet taste without elevating blood sugar.
And that is a detailed explanation of the Slim!
If you’d like more information, I’d love to tell you more. You can find me on Facebook, send me an email here, or ask a question in the comments.
If you’d like to try the Slim, you can order here: The 60-day money-back guarantee is awesome: you’ll either feel better, or get all your money back. It’s such a win!
Okay, so the giveaway! I am giving away a 7-day trial pack of the Slim!
To enter the giveaway, please
1. watch this short video from a southern belle, or this one, or if you want some humor, this one.
2. Leave a comment telling one thing you learned from the video
The winner will be announced next Monday, the 15th!
Because of the number of comments, I decided to give away TWO trial packs of Plexus Slim instead of one. The two winners are Sonya and Natalie! Congratulations, you two! I’ve contacted you personally, so look for an email in your inbox. :)
This giveaway is now closed.
Have a great beginning to your week!